Driving Economic

The creative and cultural sectors are a major contributor to the European economy. Overall, IP-intensive industries account for 26% of employment and 39% of GDP in the EU, within which the copyright-intensive sectors play a major part.  

An Engine for the European Economy

Core copyright-intensive industries generate 11 million jobs, contribute approximately €914 billion to GDP and produce a multi-billion-euro trade surplus (Source: OHIM/EPO). As an important source of jobs, especially for young people, they continuously invest in Europe’s future.

The innovativeness of the creative and cultural sectors depends above all on millions of innovative, creative and highly valued people, ranging from actors to projector operators, carpenters building film sets, make-up artists bringing characters to life, 3D experts using technology to create the next great special effects, and so on.

At a time when other industries require employees with university or advanced degrees, the entertainment industry also remains accessible to people with less advanced degrees. A high school diploma, several years of good technical training, and on-the-job training, can already open employment opportunities in the film and television industry.  True for the film industry all over the world, these are not just jobs – they become careers.

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