OE Report – Economic Impact of Return to Las Sabinas in Spain
Return to Las Sabinas is a show about two sisters who return to their hometown of Manterana after many years apart, summoned by their father’s health problems. The show is made up of 70 episodes, released daily on Disney+.
The filming and production of the show generated considerable economic activity across Spain, as business spending occurred all across the country, with the highest concentration in Catalonia. The show’s production also supported activity in a wide range of industries through its procurement, and through local spending of Spanish residents employed by the production and its supply chain.
This study, commissioned by the Motion Picture Association (MPA), focuses on the production of the show and analyzes its total economic impact in Spain in 2023 and 2024. The study also considers the wider impact on boosting the Spanish economy, such as increasing film-induced tourism. Similar production budgets and spending patterns across Spain are likely to produce similar economic impact results as those presented in this study.